Bulletin of Tanzanian Affairs
No. 12 MARCH 1981
‘L’Afrique Etrangee’ – A Warning from Rene Dumont – Ada Dickins
Impressions of Tanzania – G. Rockliffe-King
Notes on Current Issues
Mismanagement in Public Corporations
The Role of C.C.M. – John Arnold
Book Reviews:
‘Beyond Ujamaa in Tanzania’ by Goran Hyden – John Briggs
‘Economic Shocks and National Policy Making’ by R. H. Green, D.G. Rwegasira, and B. Van Arkadie – Brian Harvey
Digest of Tanzanian News – Graham Mytton
Editor’s Note
My apologies for the late arrival of this edition of the Bulletin. This is only partly due to the production of the special edition on the Tanzanian Economy which was produced in November. This special edition was sent to the Press and interested members of Parliament. The reactions were favourable and the Chairman of the Society received a number of appreciative comments.
The need to continue to present Tanzania’s case to the News media and public is sadly illustrated by a passage from Julius Nyerere’s address to the last session of the Tanzanian Parliament before the 1980 elections (This address has been published under the title ‘A Time of Struggle’). The President spoke of the problems created for all countries of the Third World by the recession in the industrialised world and the increase in oil prices and the struggle for a new international economic system. He then went on to thank those friendly countries which with grants and loans were showing a special understanding of Tanzania’s problems and a willingness to help -3weden, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark and Canada. Members of the Society will share my sorrow and shame that Britain was not on that list.
My thanks to those who have sent me material for the Bulletin. I am particularly grateful to those who undertake the task of reviewing and commenting on new books. The books reviewed in this edition are of special importance and not easy to summarise critically but fairly.
John Arnold
Department of Adult Education, University of Southampton.