Despite the Government order that the Iraqi Embassy in Dar es Salaam should stop recruiting Tanzanians to work in Iraq, hundreds of youths continued to throng the embassy premises yesterday (November 2nd 1990). The youths who flocked to the embassy as early as seven o’clock said they were optimistic about being recruited ‘although some big shots are against the recruitment’ some of them said.

Meanwhile, a number of readers have expressed their anger at the alleged illegal recruitment of Tanzanian youths to join the Iraqi army. One who had lived in Kuwait for 16 years said that Tanzanians should be warned of what they were likely to face in the Gulf . Although the Iraqi government was recruiting Tanzanians by luring them with cash, it had failed to pay its own soldiers for almost two years during the Iran-Iraq war. Several people also blamed the Iraqi government for using religion to condone its ambitions over oil-rich Kuwait. ‘Tanzanians will not only face religious humiliation but also discrimination in Iraq’ they added. Another caller was flabbergasted at how the Iraqi embassy had managed to recruit people without the government’s knowledge. ‘There is something fishy about the whole issue’ he said.

Meanwhile the Implementation Committee in Ukerewe District has condemned the recruitment of Tanzanian youths for military training in Iraq . The Committee claimed that if the tendency is not checked it stands to complicate national matters in the future – Daily News.

Tanzania has protested to Iraq (November 2nd 1990) over reports that the Iraqi Embassy in Dar es Salaam has been recruiting Tanzanians to serve in the Iraqi army. A Tanzanian Foreign Ministry spokesman said the Iraqi Ambassador, Mr Fauzi Ali al-Bander, had been told that any such recruitment should stop immediately. Tanzania has condemned the Iraqui invasion of Kuwait and called for an immediate withdrawal (Press agencies).

The Iraqi Ambassador has denied the reports. He said some young Tanzanians, mostly from Zanzibar, had visited the embassy to express their support for Iraq during the Gulf crisis – Press agencies.

BODY BLOW Tanzania’s economy has suffered a body blow. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and the subsequent tremors it sent to world oil prices have seen the Tanzanian fuel bill shoot up to 80% of its foreign exchange earnings. President Mwinyi had just visited the Emirates and had come back with handsome promises of aid. These have also dried up now – Africa Events.

(The sequel to these stories is not quite clear but we believe that no Tanzanians were in fact recruited – Editor)

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