‘It was an eerie evening for Tanzania’s political terrain; on Sunday March 21 1993 the country lost one of the very few women who significantly contributed to the country’s political profile, especially in the formative years. Lucy Lameck (59) MP for two decades, member of the National Executive Committee of the country’s post-independence ruling party, former Government Junior Minister – passed away in Moshi after battling for several months against a kidney illness. “I eat, sleep, think and talk nothing but politics” she had said in 1961. She was buried with full honours at a ceremony witnessed by Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Zanzibar President Salmin Amour and Prime Minister John Malecela’ – Daily News.

And Prime Minister John Malecela led the mourners at an elaborate funeral ceremony for Mr Dunstan Alfred Omari MBE (71) in Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam on April 16 1993. Mr Omari was the Director of several executive boards including those of the Standard Chartered Bank in Kenya and the African Medical Research Foundation. He became well known in his youth as one of the first African District Officers in the Colonial Administration.

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