I send my congratulations and good wishes to the Editor and all those concerned with the preparation, publication and distribution of the Bulletin of Tanzanian Affairs as it issues its 50th Number.
I know from my brief visits to London that without the Bulletin it would be difficult for UK members of the Britain-Tanzania Society (and other interested persons) to follow events in my country – and the rapid changes which have, for better and for worse, been taking place in recent years. The Bulletin is also helpful for members of the Tanzanian chapter. As far as is possible, it reports without mixing fact and opinion; further, many of the articles in it give an excellent analysis of serious Tanzanian documents and events unmatched in easily accessible publications here, and less subject to the natural bias and strong opinions of those of us directly involved in one way or another.
Please keep up the good work. Tanzania, and I believe Britain also, benefit from such aids to international understanding as we in this country try to maintain Tanzania’s stability, unity and people’s involvement in their country’s governance.
Julius K Nyerere
5th December 1994
The first editor of the Bulletin, Terence Ranger, has also sent his congratulations to the present editor from his sabbatical leave in Zimbabwe.