GEORGE BAKER (79) who, during the second world war was the official British Admiralty photographer, spent 16 years from 1946 in the administrative service in Tanganyika. In 1957 he served in Britain’s delegation to the Trusteeship Council of the UN and his last job before he moved to Sierra Leone was as head of government information services.
Former cabinet minister AMRAN MAYAGILA (64) who served as Minister in three ministries during his 15 years as an MP died on November 26 after shooting himself in the head. His widow said that two days before his death he had complained about severe chest pains.
Others who served in Tanganyika/Tanzania and who have passed away recently include former administrative officer IAN AERS OBE, agricultural research specialist (who worked on wheat improvement at Tengeru for many years) BRADFORD HOUSTON and former community development officer JOHN WORTHINGTON.