TA readers will have noted the recent increase in the number of regular volunteer contributors so that we now have quite a large editorial team. This is helping us to cover more adequately news about various areas of development in Tanzania and is also relieving the strain on me as editor. May I say how much I appreciate what you are all doing.

We now need one or two more volunteer reporters to cover other areas which are likely to be of interest to readers. The work involved is not unduly onerous. We need, from each volunteer, three contributions of about 1,000 words (two pages) each year. However, volunteers will need to be already engaged in the area selected or be able to refer to the media, professional journals, contacts or friends who can supply relevant information.

We urgently need contributors to cover the following areas:
• Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,
• Health, and
• Leisure – music, art, sports or part of these.

We also need a Deputy Editor for Tanzanian Affairs. This would naturally lead on to the job of Editor as I wish to retire in the fairly near future. If anyone is interested but doesn’t want to commit immediately, please contact us.

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