The first phase of the new Dar es Salaam International Airport built with French help has been handed over to the Government.

Barter arrangements have been made with China and East Germany. Tanzania will provide China with cement, cashewnuts and timber in exchange for spare parts and raw materials; and East Germany with coffee, cotton, tea and tobacco in exchange for 10,000 bicycles.

The Tanzanian Government has announced plans to establish a university in Zanzibar. Meantime, the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Science of the University of Dar es Salaam in Morogoro is due to become a separate Agricultural University on 1st. July, 1984.

A plague of army worms attacked crops of sorghum, millet and maize in central, coastal and northern Regions early in January. Cultivation of pepper is to start on Zanzibar to reduce the island’s over-reliance on the clove crop.

On 12th. January, President Nyerere opened a clove oil distillery plant at Wawi, four miles east of Chake Cbake on the island of Pemba. Some 24,000 hectares in Pemba are under cloves and 8,000 hectares on Zanzibar island. The plant, which has been bull t by a French firm and partly financed by a French Government soft loan, is expected to go into full operation later this year and to employ 200 people. It produces at present some 540 kilogrammes per day and when fully operating is planned to produce 1,000 kilogrammes of clove oil per day.

A ten year plan for the development of livestock was announced at a seminar in Arusha by the Director of Livestock Development. The Government plans to invite private interests to participate in setting up large scale cattle farms and land will be made available for this purpose. Dairy plants are planned for Morogoro, Mbeya, Shinyanga, Dodoma and Mwanza Regions and existing dairies are to be upgraded. Thirteen heifer units are to be set up. Addressing the seminar, President Nyerere said: ‘Tanzania has the third largest stock of cattle in Africa, but is far from self-sufficient in beef and milk. We need to eradicate tsetse fly and turn reclaimed land into ranching areas and to take measures to combat rinderpest and foot and mouth disease. Small farmers should be encouraged to improve stock quality’.

Shs. 15 million have been allocated for the improvement of several access roads on the northern tourist circuit. The Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Ndugu George Kahama, is seeking funds from overseas to tarmac the road from Makuyuni to Fort Ikoma, which passes through Ngorongoro and Serengeti.

Imports of Salt
Tanzania is expecting to obtain 10,000 tonnes of salt from Sri Lanka and Ethiopia to deal with the shortage of salt resulting from a drop in production. The Minister for Minerals, Ndugu Paul Bomani, said that domestic production of salt was continuing to improve. The average requirement in a full year for domestic consumption is 80,000 tonnes and for industry 10,000 tonnes. Production was rising at the Uvinza salt mine and in several coastal areas.

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